I'm lazy -.-"
This few weeks, i've been pretty much lazy bum, I mean in terms of updating blog. Even Leslie's threat to fire doesn't seem to work. (strange huh?)
But now, i've seem to be able to put myself together and finish this damn post.. Yay, for me.
Okay, first thing first, happy birthday to that penguin named Joshua. I did wished him happy birthday during his birthday but re-wishing seem nice :P .Besides, I love wishing people happy birthday for no apparent reason. On the other hand, who cares about why I love doing it? ( Leslie, shut up :P, I know somehow that you're gonna say that you do care and I know somehow that you'll be saying that you don't care as well. Damn, Leslie's mind is a jumble of mess put together in an orderly manner). Anyway, I made Joshua a whole new blog layout, penguin-themed. But oh noes, he's not using it.... Nah... just joking, use it when you want it and don't use it when you don't want it. It's yours now. Actually, i'm a bit saddened that I gave him that layout - It's my best one ever lah. However, I must give more than I take.. I must.. ( ya right... )
Moving on... I went to SMKA's canteen day and damn was it a horrible one. There were simply too many people and heat, well, let's just say that it's fried-potato-ish hot. I went there by hitching my friends since I have no other way whatsoever to go there.
The foods and drinks? Well, didn't try it all because of two reason :
One is because I only bought two drinks worth 5 bucks each. Yup, a scam I tell you but for some reason, I bought it twice. The drinks? Well, so-so only. I wanted to try the chocolate but there were simply too many people buying it and heating chocolate under the hot sun doesn't to appeal to me that much. Besides, the moment I saw those yummy-looking chocolates, I was already broke.
Opps, almost forgot about the second reason. Actually, I already forgot >_>...
Okay, just got back from dinner... Oh ya, the 2nd reason. Well, I was at SMKA for like 25 mins then I'm gone. Why? well, you know why... it was simply too crowded, too noisy and too pasar-ish..
Moving on to a more important things.. My kittens got attacked!! Nooo!!
3 attacks so far. 1st attack killed one of the kitten. 2nd attack were fumbled by me and 3rd attack left the other kitten seriously wounded. Took it to the vet today.
I don't really remember where was the vet because I kinda doze off during the trip. I just got back from school you know... Anyway, the vet was kinda.. pathetic.. It's like a clinic for humans but less people, cheaper, uglier and the doctor is cold.. Got 2 types of medication from my kitten; one for appetite inducing ( thx josh :D ) and the other was the cream which I'm supposed to apply it. Oh, and a syringe.. :P
Cheh, dam annoying wild cat. Keep trying to kill my kitten.. Damn it, feel like killing it >_>
Oh well...