What's In My Head

Thursday 19 April 2007


Phew, will be going to KL this Saturday for HELP cup debate. For more information, google it.

Anyway, we weren't informed of any motions so therefore, anything can come out. Therefore, before going KL, we need to equip as much information as possible and that sucks.

I'm a lazy bum that has a mind that can only concentrate not longer than 2 hours (
probably less :P ). I'm currently studying 3rd world and WOW!! that's alot. I never expected that topic can cover ALOT*. Oh ya, I'm using wikipedia to study if anyone was wondering ( which I highly doubt ).

I wondered why we never learn this in school. I mean, these things are related to us ( We are one of the coutries that counted as 3rd ) and I do find it quite important.

Anyway, won't blog much today cuz still have alot to read. I seriously prefer to read this than read my History textbook which is long, boring and fact-packed.

Okay, back to study...


P/s: Zhi Wei said that ALOT* is an understatement.. xD


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