What's In My Head

Tuesday 3 April 2007

La La La La~

Okay, firstly, to Leslie and that "thing" called Joshua, will you please please stop harassing me and force me to update. I'll update when I want or can update. In the last few weeks, I wasn't been able to update due to some annoyance that comes from my 5 y.0. cousin everytime I turned on the computer. Currenly, they're in Summit with my mom. So basically, i'm temporarily free but not for long.

Anyway, let me quote a few from Leslie and Joshua to show they're harassing me :P :

"I will send virus to you if you don't update :D" -Leslie

woih update lah" - Joshua

The harassment are still there in tagboard currently, fresh as ever :P.

Okay, let's get back to the main topic of this post..

Today, which is 3rd of April, 2007, Shahrizan, Joshua and Soh Jiaming had a debate with SDBL and to put it short, they've won :P . I'm not debating in this round to let Shahrizan debate as he hasn't been debating for a long time. A little warm up for the real thing.

All I can say about the debate was that everybody has improved and that Shahrizan is higher then high xD. Damn, he was good.

If you guys wanna full view of the debate, you can go to Josh's blog, he'll update in a few hours or day.

OMG, they've come back.. sorry for the lameness of this post. I'll continue this post later


Blogger Josh said...


It's been 2 days and no update

5 April 2007 at 20:11  

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