Hey there, yeah, you. I'm referring to the wall.
Anyway, I'm still on holiday. Yes, people, I still am and if you're feeling envious of my ridiculously long holiday, well, continue to do so. It's not like I give a damn to your short-compared-to-mine holiday.
Having holiday this long really is amazing. Why? because sooner or later, you'll run out of ideas on what to do. Herrmmm, maybe it's just me. Sheesh, this is the first time I feel my holiday going verrrryyyy sloooowww. So slow, I could literally see a moving snail.
Oh yeah, I've upgraded my laptop to Windows 7 and I think it's kinda awesome. K-i-n-d-a. Sure, the whole look is futuristic and all (I used XP before this) and some of my games are running slightly more smoothly. However, I still miss XP, lol. I'm still getting used to all the changes in windows, like setting IP address, enabling/disabling hardware, etc, etc. You know, stuff that'll ruin your computer. I really love the new taskbar, it's the bar at the bottom of screen with all those fancy buttons, in case you don't know :P . In XP, every running application, folders are listed in taskbar to the point where it gets crowded and messy. Well, guys in windows did an amazing job on the new taskbar, now every application and stuff are put into group according to their default application. So, let's say I open 10 firefoxs, 10 folders with 10 MSN chat windows. In the taskbar, you'll only see 3 icons - folders, MSN and firefox and clicking or hovering your mouse cursor on them would open up a list of all the windows relating to that icons. I noticed that if your firefox is running a video, the thumbnail in taskbar will show the video too which I think is a nice touch to the taskbar. Other than that, at the right-most of the taskbar is a small rectangle by which if you click on it, it'll quickly minimize everything and show the desktop.

Eh, I didn't plan on writing a lengthy overview on W7 but I did anyway, so what the heck.
Anyway, what I intended to do was this:
Google Tricks :
Type in one these and click on I'm feeling lucky
Google Blue
Google Goth
Google l33t
Google loco
ewmew fudd
Google BSD
It's kinda cool and funny. You should try it =D
Oh yeah, btw, I've met someone which I hope to be the one I'm looking for.