What's In My Head

Monday 1 February 2010

Suicide Penguins!

Don't mind the title, I just can't think of the topic for this post. So, I'm just putting random titles. Well, a bit of randomness is your life isn't going to kill you. Quite the contrary, in fact - I hope.

Anyway, I woke up this morning feeling goody goody ( The post before this being the proof). Then when class started, I suddenly went emo, lol. I have no idea why but I felt like punching someone, reaaalll hard. The emo dragged on for 4 hours straight. So, if I gave a very cold response to anyone a while ago, I'm sorry, I didn't meant to. I just felt really really angry of something suddenly.

I just came back from an hour session of drumming and it is awesomeeee. Losing some steam in the process. However, I was kinda ticked off by the idiot who screwed around with the drum's position. I didn't drum alone, of course. Good things are meant to be shared. So, I shared the music room with Soo but I do felt sorry for him. Keyboard isn't really the most loudest of instrument and drum isn't really the quietest of instrument. I think he got used to it. I hope. If he hasn't, I'm really really sorry >_<

But I can't promise you it won't happen again, hehe.


Drumming is getting kinda addicting. Even though I still suck at it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep posting stuff like this i really like it

7 February 2010 at 18:57  

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