Of calluses and ho-hum
When you can't have what you want, it's time to start wanting what you have.
-Kathleen A. Sutton
Phew, I almost went into hiatus mode again, but thanks to my sporadic high-spirited mood, I got myself to update. Haha, talk about weird..
Anyway, my fingertips now look like a zombie's. Really, I'd be looking at it and say "Eew.." A major turn-off, I should say. All of that thanks to my idleness as because of that, I'm now holding my guitar almost 24-7. Heck, my guitar even sleeps with me. I'm not really practising though, I'm just playing it for the fun of it. Which makes me wonder, what the hell am I gonna do with the permanent school-holiday I'm having right now? :P I might work but bah... The question remains as it is.
The result for JPA scholarship will be posted tomorrow!! Worried, I am. Btw, I took actuarial science as my first choice and really hoping for JPA since I heard it's the best after Bank Negara. My SPM isn't that good, mind you. I'm scared of these 2 possibilities : 1. I'm not gonna get JPA at all or 2. I'll get JPA but getting other course than actuarial science. Yes, I'm a picky guy. As to why I chose act. scn. as my first choice, I can't really tell. It's just that my heart seem to be longing for it. Or maybe just because I have no interest other than it. *sigh*
Back when I was in NS, free time was scarce and every break time was appreaciated to last second. Now, I'm home. Free time is everyday, anytime and I feel every second of it is being wasted. I guess it's time to be productive.