What's In My Head

Saturday, 8 September 2007

Matters of guitar and school day

Ah, finally, my guitar is finally 6-stringed :P . The 4th string broke a few days ago and I was just too busy and honestly lazy to go out and buy the strings. Bought it at Carrefour. And yes, that means I just got back from there. I don't know why but destiny always leave me in questions - meeting TWO teachers from High School seems very peculiar ( and one three high school guys -.- ). It's not that I hate them or something like that, it's just annoying seeing these people after school. ( I was in school uniform )

Plus, today's Saturday :P . Apparently ( haha ), we have to ganti one of our holiday ( again! ). Forgot which one though.

Anyway, today's attendance was horrible ( no shock here! ). My class attendance was 12/29, next class was 6 out of 30-ish. So basically, today sucked :P . However, I still can't find the reason why teacher still insisted to teach. I mean, I read one of the P&P rule and it states that there's no need to teach if 50% or more students are absent or simply not there. Anyway, doesn't really 'bother' me 'that' much. Really!

Now I'm off to ultimate-guitar!


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