What's In My Head

Wednesday 27 May 2009

My noisy, noisy mind

You know, taking a break in this hectic life sure is great. It's like competing in an F1 race, you are bound to stop at a pit stop. You're body and perhaps your soul need some timeout. Let the engine cool, repace yourself and buckle up for the next part of life. Anyway, this viciously boring and long "holiday" has its pros too and I think it provides me with what I need - A time to think. I never really bother myself to think about the little aspects of my life and how they affect going through my everyday life. I've been thinking, why can't I sleep in a quiet environment, I need at least the noise coming out from the fan to put myself to sleep. So I tried sleeping without those noise. Then, I ask myself, why can't I sleep. I close my eyes and try to doze off but I can't. My mind just can't seem to stop thinking about anything, eveything. What I did today, what am I going to do tommorrow, why I did that, why I did this bla, bla, bla. I just can't seem to fucking pipe em' down. Hence, the post title. lol.

Just like that, I kinda had some kind of revelation, an epiphany of some sort. Is that why I like maths and thinking logically ( crap included ), I asked myself. Maybe, it could be. Who knows, it sounds theoretical but I kinda like it - it brings light to my life and knowing myself better seem to makes me happy, I don't know, call me weird but it brings satisfaction which I can't really reason why. Who cares anyway, I don't. I'd do anything to rid myself from this eternal boringness. lol.

-random musing ends here-


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